Monopod Tripod Gopro
3-częściowy zestaw filtrów nurkowych + wodoodporny futerał do GoPro Hero 9/10 czarny, pokrowiec do fotografii podwodnej + 3-częściowy zestaw filtrów nurkowych do GoPro Hero 9/10 czarny
3-częściowy zestaw filtrów nurkowych + wodoodporny futerał do GoPro Hero 9/10 czarny, pokrowiec do fotografii podwodnej + 3-częściowy zestaw filtrów nurkowych do GoPro Hero 9/10 czarny
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GoPro 3 kubek kamera akcji mocowanie przyssawki kamera akcji osłona przedniej szyby samochodu uchwyt pokrywy bagażnika/z głowica kulowa kompatybilny GoPro Sony DJI OSMO Action Akaso Apeman YI kamera akcji uchwyt samochodowy
GoPro 3 kubek kamera akcji mocowanie przyssawki kamera akcji osłona przedniej szyby samochodu uchwyt pokrywy bagażnika/z głowica kulowa kompatybilny GoPro Sony DJI OSMO Action Akaso Apeman YI kamera akcji uchwyt samochodowy
75,6 zł Save Instantly
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Wymienna pokrywa baterii do Gopro Hero 10/9 Black, USB Pass Through Power Side Door Vlog akcesoria do kamery akcji gopro;
Wymienna pokrywa baterii do Gopro Hero 10/9 Black, USB Pass Through Power Side Door Vlog akcesoria do kamery akcji gopro;
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AFAITH Wodoodporny Pokrowiec na GoPro Hero 9/10 Czarny, Podwodny Pokrowiec do Fotografii Nurkowej do GoPro Hero 9/10 Czarny
80,1 zł Save Instantly
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Uchwyt na szyję Selfie do kamery akcji GoPro hero AKSO DJI Action Camera i uchwyt na szyję telefonu do akcesoriów do nagrywania wideo
Uchwyt na szyję Selfie do kamery akcji GoPro hero AKSO DJI Action Camera i uchwyt na szyję telefonu do akcesoriów do nagrywania wideo
89,0 zł
115,7 zł Save 26,7 zł Instantly
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Rower górski Rower Kierownica motocykla Zacisk montażowy Uchwyt ze stopu aluminium Pasuje do GoPro Hero 11/10/9/8 Czarny Kamera akcji Insta360 One x2 x3 360 DJI OSMO action 2 3
Rower górski Rower Kierownica motocykla Zacisk montażowy Uchwyt ze stopu aluminium Pasuje do GoPro Hero 11/10/9/8 Czarny Kamera akcji Insta360 One x2 x3 360 DJI OSMO action 2 3
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GoPro Handy Case for Hero 11/10/9/8, Hero7 Black, 6, 5, 4, 3+, 3, Hero (2018) Torba z karabińczykiem na kamerę akcji i akcesoria GoPro
GoPro Handy Case for Hero 11/10/9/8, Hero7 Black, 6, 5, 4, 3+, 3, Hero (2018) Torba z karabińczykiem na kamerę akcji i akcesoria GoPro
75,6 zł
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Twardość 9H GoPro Hero 11 10 9 Czarny, bardzo przezroczysty ochraniacz ekranu ze szkła hartowanego + osłona obiektywu ze szkła hartowanego + przednia folia wyświetlacza LCD ze szkła hartowanego do kamery akcji GoPro Hero 9 10 11
Twardość 9H GoPro Hero 11 10 9 Czarny, bardzo przezroczysty ochraniacz ekranu ze szkła hartowanego + osłona obiektywu ze szkła hartowanego + przednia folia wyświetlacza LCD ze szkła hartowanego do kamery akcji GoPro Hero 9 10 11
44,5 zł
75,6 zł Save 31,2 zł Instantly
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GoPro Hero 8/7/6/5/4/3+/3/2/1/GOPRO HERO (2018)/DJI Osmo Action Camera Poręczne etui
GoPro Hero 8/7/6/5/4/3+/3/2/1/GOPRO HERO (2018)/DJI Osmo Action Camera Poręczne etui
115,7 zł
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Stojak na biurko do selfie stick 23,6''/60 cm 3 w 1 z głowicą kulową + uchwyt na telefon komórkowy + adapter GoPro + pilot Bluetooth MS11
Stojak na biurko do selfie stick 23,6''/60 cm 3 w 1 z głowicą kulową + uchwyt na telefon komórkowy + adapter GoPro + pilot Bluetooth MS11
108,0 zł Save Instantly
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K&F Concept Hero 12 Akumulator 3-pak 1730mAh Akumulatory Enduro z 3-gniazdową ładowarką Kompatybilne z kamerami GoPro Hero 12, GoPro Hero 11, GoPro Hero 10, GoPro Hero 9 Black
K&F Concept Hero 12 Akumulator 3-pak 1730mAh Akumulatory Enduro z 3-gniazdową ładowarką Kompatybilne z kamerami GoPro Hero 12, GoPro Hero 11, GoPro Hero 10, GoPro Hero 9 Black
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Filtr Polaryzacyjny 62 mm z 24 Warstwami Nanopowłoki - Seria Nano-Dazzle
Filtr Polaryzacyjny 62 mm z 24 Warstwami Nanopowłoki - Seria Nano-Dazzle
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82 mm Black Mist Filtr 1/4 , 28 Warstw Nanopowłoki - Seria Nano-X
82 mm Black Mist Filtr 1/4 , 28 Warstw Nanopowłoki - Seria Nano-X
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Beschoi Leica 28 mm/90 mm M39 Obiektyw do korpusu aparatu Leica M Adapter mocowania obiektywu K&F Concept
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K&F Concept Camera Lens Pouch Case, wodoodporna torba ochronna na obiektyw z zamkiem błyskawicznym, torba do przenoszenia obiektywów do 4,3 x 8,7 (śr. x wys.) - XL
K&F Concept Camera Lens Pouch Case, wodoodporna torba ochronna na obiektyw z zamkiem błyskawicznym, torba do przenoszenia obiektywów do 4,3 x 8,7 (śr. x wys.) - XL
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77mm Shimmer Diffusion 1 Filtr Szkło optyczne Filtr z efektem migotania do obiektywu aparatu Seria Nano-X
77mm Shimmer Diffusion 1 Filtr Szkło optyczne Filtr z efektem migotania do obiektywu aparatu Seria Nano-X
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Adapter Contax Yashica Obiektyw do Sony E Mount Aparat
Adapter Contax Yashica Obiektyw do Sony E Mount Aparat
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Kentfaith przemysłowy endoskop Swobodne sterowanie 360° 0,24 cala ultradrobna średnica z 6 diodami LED do inspekcji samochodów pilotowa inspekcja domowych kanałów ściekowych 2 metry
Kentfaith przemysłowy endoskop Swobodne sterowanie 360° 0,24 cala ultradrobna średnica z 6 diodami LED do inspekcji samochodów pilotowa inspekcja domowych kanałów ściekowych 2 metry
1335,0 zł
1780,0 zł Save 445,0 zł Instantly
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58 mm (1s Instalacja) Filtr Black Mist 1/4 + Osłoną Obiektywu + Magnetycznym Pierścieniem Adaptera z 28 Warstwową Nanopowłoką - Seria Nano-X
58 mm (1s Instalacja) Filtr Black Mist 1/4 + Osłoną Obiektywu + Magnetycznym Pierścieniem Adaptera z 28 Warstwową Nanopowłoką - Seria Nano-X
329,0 zł Save Instantly
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Filtr UV 46 mm z 28 Wielowarstwowymi Powłokami HD/Ultracienkie Hartowane Szkło Optyczne/Hydroizolacja/Odporny na Zarysowania - Seria Nano x
Filtr UV 46 mm z 28 Wielowarstwowymi Powłokami HD/Ultracienkie Hartowane Szkło Optyczne/Hydroizolacja/Odporny na Zarysowania - Seria Nano x
129,0 zł Save Instantly
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Minicyfrowy dyktafon 128G z ciekawym ekranem Nagrywanie połączeń Bluetooth 3072 kb/s ###
Minicyfrowy dyktafon 128G z ciekawym ekranem Nagrywanie połączeń Bluetooth 3072 kb/s ###
328,0 zł
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68''/170cm statyw z włókna węglowego profesjonalny statyw fotograficzny pojemność 12KG/26.2lbs z 30mm metalową głowicą kulową X254C4 + BH-30
68''/170cm statyw z włókna węglowego profesjonalny statyw fotograficzny pojemność 12KG/26.2lbs z 30mm metalową głowicą kulową X254C4 + BH-30
779,0 zł
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Osłona bagnetowa K&F Concept Canon ES68 II ze ściereczką do czyszczenia odkurzacza *1 do obiektywów Canon EF 50 mm f/ 1.8STM
Osłona bagnetowa K&F Concept Canon ES68 II ze ściereczką do czyszczenia odkurzacza *1 do obiektywów Canon EF 50 mm f/ 1.8STM
42,0 zł Save Instantly
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Osłona Obiektywu 72 mm 9 w 1 ze Smyczą Zapobiegającą Zgubieniu, Kompatybilna z Obiektywami do Aparatów Nikon, Canon, Sony i Fujifilm
Osłona Obiektywu 72 mm 9 w 1 ze Smyczą Zapobiegającą Zgubieniu, Kompatybilna z Obiektywami do Aparatów Nikon, Canon, Sony i Fujifilm
39,0 zł Save Instantly
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Related Reviews
Andreas P.
Statyw K+F
Zdejmowany monopod ułatwia robienie zdjęć smartfonem
It's a solid tripod
I figured I was taking a chance with the K&F model, thinking it might be poorly made. But there's plenty to like about it. (I gave four stars rather than five due to uncertainty about how well some of the clamps will hold up. More on that below.)>> LegsRight out of the box they were very stiff. If anything they're too stiff, which makes it a bit of a chore to unfold them. But they'll loosen up over time and it's a lot better having them be too stiff out of the box than too loose.When the tripod is set up, it feels quite solid.One advantage to the stiffness: When the tripod is fully collapsed "transverse" style, you can pick it up by one leg and the leg doesn't immediately begin opening out. So you don't have to pick it up by holding two legs (or use a strap to tie the legs together).>> BallheadSurprisingly good. It seems somewhat better-made than a ballhead supplied with another tripod of mine (a better-known brand). The ballhead's controls feel well machined, and the knobs are large enough to be comfortable to turn. I'd have preferred their being rubberized, but you can't have everything.>> Arca-Swiss-compatible clampNo problems. The supplied camera plate has a sensible design for the attachment screw, so you aren't out of luck if you need to attach it but don't have a flat-head screwdriver or coin. The clamp perfectly fits the Arca-Swiss base plate of my camera's hand grip.>> Release levers for changing leg anglesI've seen comments about such tripods noting that the release levers are somewhat flimsy and might break. It's possible, but I wonder if the problem is that people hold the legs under too much tension when they're trying to change the angles. Instead, push the legs inward slightly before using the levers.>> "Transverse" center column designThis works very well. It's the simplest one I've used so far: Bring the inner section of the center column to its max. height, and then it turns easily to horizontal via a ball-and-socket mechanism. Along its length, the inner column has a groove that fits to a tongue in its housing. So it doesn't rotate within the housing. This makes sliding the column back and forth maybe a bit more difficult than it would otherwise be, but it feels nice and solid.>> Flip-lock levers for extending the legsThese don't feel nearly as solid as the rest of the hardware. I won't be opening or closing them too quickly or forcefully. It's hard to tell how long they will hold up.>> Carrying bagIt's fine. Dual zippers, carrying handle, and shoulder strap are included. Not ThinkTank quality, but it'll do. (I wouldn't have minded if they'd added a small zipper pocket to it. Hardly a deal-breaker.)>> DocumentationCompletely awful and unintentionally amusing. But you won't likely need it. Leave it in the bag and forget about it.>> Not crazy about <<The inner center column does not have a spring-loaded weight hook at the end. The whole arrangement could go off-balance and fall over if the arm is extended too far horizontally and there isn't a tripod leg directly under it. I'll have to think up some workaround. At some point I'll need a counter-weight at the back of that arm. Not a deal-breaker.>> REALLY not crazy about <<The larger, outer section of the center column does have a weight hook. To move the entire center column into the upside-down position as shown in one of the product illustrations on this page, you need to remove the weight hook. This is not as easy as it should be. The part you unscrew is a thin plastic disk—hard to grab onto. It should be wider. Maybe it'd be a good idea to keep a short strip of Dycem in the carrying bag to help turn that thing. Annoying, but still not a deal-breaker.>> Overall impression <<It's a well made tripod and good for the price. Be gentle with those leg extension clamps. And try not to laugh too hard at the documentation. I'm sure they meant well. :)
Jlyne (Jay-Leen) Hanback
Excellent mode of storage to keep all of your camera equipment safe and free from water!
I love so many things about this camera bag, but the RFID pocket and extra storage capacity really top off my list of favorite features.First of all, I think that this bag will make the perfect carry-on for my personal electronics AND camera equipment once I am able to travel again via plane. There is plenty of room for your camera basics, an extra lens or two, some accessories, and even a laptop or tablet. The RFID pouch is very handy - especially if traveling - to keep your ID, credit cards, etc. safe from unscrupulous scanning.The bag can be worn as a backpack, and I love that it is a great, adjustable fit for shorter or taller people. The tripod straps are nice, as the tripod doesn't have to be stuffed inside the bag, taking up extra storage space. The slide-out drawer is very handy, although I wish that it actually locked or had two connecting zipper pulls that could be locked with a small external padlock.I do wish that there were more color/design options. The outside surface is made from a rubber-type material that does a pretty good job of keeping rain and elements away from your camera equipment; however, the interior padding could be a bit thicker or substantial. This bag is a good basic/general bag for equipment for short-term use, but I would recommend something more protective if you are looking for a bag/organizer to store your equipment (especially lenses) for a longer period of time.This bag also works well for drone equipment, especially if you are using your drone in the elements.
K. Borah
Versitility is Key
This is everything it promises to be. Lightweight, comes with an very nice carry case. The ability to have the main rod lay out laterally for positioning a camera straight down on a subject is ingenious and the most useful feature, making food shots, unboxing videos and animations a breeze. Using this tripod with a remote shutter release is icing on a cake. One leg removes easily for a mono-pod and the ball head is one of the best I have ever used at this price point. The main rod can also be reversed for low to the ground shots, but I found getting this to easily be pulled out and replaced through the main adjustment tube can be tricky so it's important your not in a hurry to do this. Overall I could not have chosen a better tripod for my needs. I use a Lumix GH5s and this tripod easily supports it's weight and I would almost say the two are a match made in heaven.
April Friesland
Niesamowity tripod.
Uwielbiam ten tripod. Potrzebowałem jednego wystarczająco mocnego, aby pomieścić mój aparat i akumulator. Działa świetnie! Wypróbuję to również z moim teleskopem stołowym.
On Par with other Travel Tripods
This is the first tripod I've bought in a loooooooong time. Most of my shots these days comes from a smartphone that's being handheld so I was really looking forward to buying this for my XT4. All and all this is an amazing tripod for the price and there isn't a whole lot more you could reasonably ask for it.Pros- This thing is feature rich. It has a gear hook, monopod, and the ball head assembly is entirely removable which really helps distribute the weight of the thing when it's hanging off the side of a bag.- Smooth actuation. Sometimes the locks get in the way of breaking it down but I'm actually listing this as a pro. If you actuate the legs to their furthest position at each stop then try to push them any further the locks will really get in the way. This means that if your leg is going to give way on terrain it's going to stop pretty easy.- Plenty tall when you extend the center column. I'm 6' and I can bring my camera to eye level easily.Cons- This thing is not light. It's on par for other aluminum tripods but if you're really looking to drop your weight look into carbon fiber.- The monopod leg is SLIGHTLY shorter than the rest of the other legs. This isn't too big of a problem if you take some time to balance the other two legs. It's also not a problem if you're shooting landscape and wildlife and you're already going to have an uneven distribution between the legs.Missing/Neutral- No threads to put feet or screws on the bottom of the mount. Not a problem for me but do be advised that if you're shooting on sand or water and you want feet it could be an issue. Not sure why you'd buy this tripod for that purpose at this price point anyway.
More than I bargained for!
I was looking all over Amazon for a "travel" tripod... I knew I wanted one under 2 pounds, made of carbon fiber and metal, something compact, with a twist knob and a ball head. I finally came across this one and hesitated because of the price...I decided to bite the bullet and check it out. The packaging was not damaged at all. Once I opened it I was blown away how light and compact it was. I stood it up as high as it went and tested how sturdy it was. I was very impressed. It was exactly what I wanted. The entire tripod is made of strong carbon fiber, the twist knobs are made of metal with rubber grips over them. The ball head is also made of metal. It has a level and compass on the top where you put your camera at. The adjustment knobs on the top of the tripod are made of a strong polymer. For someone who literally will just pick up and go to take photos, travel, backpack, or whatever, it is perfect. It does lack some features, however, those features were not included in the information of the tripod so it is not worth mentioning. Quick summary, it is everything K&F says it is, for the value of this product, it is worth getting!
Exactly the tripod with extension I was looking for
I've owned this for a couple of months so far, and it's really doing the job I bought it for. The transverse center extension makes it easy for me to film up close videos on my desk at a *good angle*. The center mount is cleverly integrated into the tripod, whether in-use or not in-use. Use this as a regular tripod or with the integrated extension, it's great.It's easy to adjust the legs, swivel, ball mount, and I actually like the color scheme a lot.I've started using this tripod over my other tripod (without the transverse center extension) because it's just more flexible to use.It'd be great if both of my tripods used the same quick mount system, but they don't unfortunately. So the quick connector compatibility would be one thing to be aware of. I really don't know whether this tripod or my other one as a standard quick mount type, but they are different to be sure.
Related Faq
Czy działa z akcesoriami GoPro?
Tak, na guziku jest otwór gwintowy 1/4". 
Czy monopod jest wystarczająco wysoki, aby utrzymać mój aparat?
Nasze monopody mogą osiągnąć wysokość do 63 cali, a wysokość można regulować w zależności od potrzeb, aby dopasować się do potrzeb sceny. 
Czy monopod łatwo się składa i rozkłada?
Nasz monopod ma konstrukcję klamry płytkowej, umożliwia szybkie składanie i rozkładanie, jest łatwy w obsłudze, co pozwala zaoszczędzić czas. 
Will this accessory fits tripod model KF09.116?
Czy może być używany jako monopod?
Statyw ma odłączany Monopod, dzięki czemu można go używać jako Monopod. 
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